The Gift

This first piece is a perspective on the gift of love.


unworthy fool am I

to ignore it
to abuse it
to mistreat it
to misuse it

to mishandle it at every turn

no way do I deserve


over and over
you lay it at my feet
to protect them
from life’s harsh road

time after time
you wrap it round me
as shelter
from sorrow’s storm

again and again
it nurtures and sustains me
on my journey through
the wastelands of the lonely

this light
this precious treasure

no way do I deserve

but forever will I cherish

your soul gift
of selfless love

rob kistner © 2007


This second piece is a reflection on the hard-won gift of wisdom.


reason’s blaze
burned brightly

now spent

insight’s tinder vanquished
left ashen
no threat to incandesce

your flame of logic
once stark against the dark
of ignorance and
narrow vision

flared radiant
sparking inquiry

bold beacon
a seeker’s torch

your enlightened fire
too soon a pyre

reduced now to ember

but warming those
who draw near

and stir
your smoldering wisdom

rob kistner © 2007

~ by Image&VerseToo on September 18, 2007.

46 Responses to “The Gift”

  1. My thoughts exactly!

  2. Steve –


  3. hmm, I too wrote the same subject.. but I like yours a lot. 🙂

  4. I especially like your poem ‘Selfless’. The beautiful imagery of precious love you have transferred to the reader all too successfully. Wonderful.

  5. Your words are always so full of beautiful thoughts. I like both the pieces.

  6. Both are superb and leave the reader with a lot to think about. From the second I love:

    your flame of logic
    once stark against the dark
    of ignorance and
    narrow vision

    And from the first: as shelter
    from sorrow’s storm

    Wonderful poetry.

  7. Both of these gifts are often unappreciated until we feel them slipping away. How much richer to cherish them in their prime.

  8. Joezul –

    Thank you!

  9. Beaman –

    I appreciate your kind words!

    Nice to see you visit again… 😉

  10. Gautami –

    You are always gracious… 😉

    Thank you!

  11. Jo –

    I am glad there was resonance for you in the pieces… 😉

    Thank you for your kind words!

  12. Robin –

    How incredibly true, and oh so often overlooked. 😉

  13. Beautiful words that reveal such sensitivity and heart, a gift for us to sink into, these words of love and wisdom… Thank you Rob!

  14. “insights tinder vanquished”

    lovely as always

  15. Brilliant, both! The first one is a familiar story and might have been written by someone I know. The second is a too-familiar story about people who speak out and make a difference being silenced too young – yet inspiring others to take up their fight. These poems are wonderful and I will save them for thought.

  16. Ah. Wonderful! Each of them is a gift for readers…

  17. Lea –

    You are kind… thank you! 😉

  18. Lucy.R.E. –

    Thank you! 😉

  19. Tara –

    Thank you — you humble me.

    I am very pleased they touched a chord in you… 😉

  20. Tumblewords –

    You are most gracious… 😉

  21. Grreat! You could have written the first one for me!

  22. Hi Rob.

    My first response to your beautiful poem on love is that feeling of the act of giving love a bit awkward……as it always is when one is expressing their vulnerability openly.

    Beautiful poetry as always…….I love reading your lyrics. They are gifts all on their own.

  23. Brill. But my fave was on Love. The first.
    You know, it is all there is.

  24. Both amazing pieces – Myheart lent itself to the first one more closely for some reason. Perhaps because I understand love better than wisdom? It made me wonder?

  25. Both wonderful pieces but liked the first the best – it’s so graceful. Love really is the best gift, all the more if it turns out to be unconditional!

  26. Love and wisdom – what great gifts!

  27. Keith –

    Thanks — glad you could relate!

  28. Awareness –

    You are most kind… 😉

    I am very pleased you are touched by my writing. It is, for me, a pouring out of my soul, and a freeing of my spirit… it is how I survive in the world.

  29. Blue –

    Two brilliantly gifted poet-troubadours once wrote: “All you need is love…”

  30. Michelle –

    Thank you for your kind words… 😉

    The first peace is fueled by great passion — the second arises from understanding.

    The first speaks to the heart, the second, to the soul.

  31. Lisa –

    Love is the one gift we can never deserve… it is fate brings it our way, to embrace and nurture — lest we lose it.

  32. Tinker –

    Love and wisdom make for a world of peace and understanding… 😉

  33. Love the word choices in the second poem. They are all very strong and paint a vivid picture.

  34. Hi Rob! Both poems are very refined. Selfless love and wisdom are delicate topics for poetry and I liked how you described them both. Listening to older people gives me pleasure. I always remind myself that they have an entire life of baggage to share.

  35. Sara –

    Thank you very much! I’m pleased the poem resonated for you… 😉

  36. Gilson –

    I appreciate your kind words!

    I prefer to think that we elders have an entire life of “useful experience” to share, in spite of the baggage… 😉

  37. I loved the poem on elders a lot, always the best gift, gift of wisdom

  38. Rambler –

    Thank you!

  39. Hi Rob! I LOVE the two takes you did on the prompt. “Selfless” really evokes such a warmth and safe feeling, and I love the line “on my journey through/ the wastelands of the lonely.” In “Elders” I love the poignancy and that there are people who do recognize the wisdom in those smoldering embers. The elders have so much to share and teach. Great job, Rob!

  40. Clare –

    Thank you… you are most kind! 😉

    I have always been fascinated by the essence and nuance of both love and wisdom — whether I understand either is another question. But I have seen both moving, alive in the world, and know they exist.

  41. Love and wisdom … both such great gifts … thank you

  42. To stir you smoldering wisdom! Oh I like that line. Wisdom is so hard for us to just accept and usually I have to bash my head into a brick wall, before I become the least bit wise! Sigh!

  43. Fenny –

    You are most welcome… 😉

  44. Mary –

    Glad that line resonated with you — it really felt right when that closing line came to me.

    Wisdom only can be achieved through concussion! 😉

  45. I was having a drink at a bar recently and a member of the waitstaff was telling me about a problem they were having with a friend.
    SO I gave this young man the benefit of my nearly 46 years on the planet.
    You are so wise he said with all the sincerity a 24 year old can muster.
    I told him wisdom comes from having made a lot of mistakes!
    Love both poems – as usual.
    Sending good vibes your way

  46. Frances –

    It’s in the face of mistakes that we are given the opportunity to confront and recognize our imperfections, our fallibility, our humanity – and it’s embracing this, rising above, and moving forward that affords us a better insight into ourselves… this is the seed of wisdom.

    Thank you for your kind words… 😉

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